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Breastfeeding FAQs

young mother with baby

What can I take for a headache while I am breastfeeding?
Talk with your healthcare provider about what treatment is best for your condition while breasfeeding. Some common medications used for headache while breastfeeding include acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), or naproxen (Aleve). Aspirin for headache is generally avoided in breastfeeding.

I have a sinus infection and my healthcare provider prescribed amoxicillin. My baby is also getting amoxicillin right now for an ear infection. Can I breastfeed?
Amoxicillin enters breast milk in low amounts, so the amount of this antibiotic in your breast milk will not significantly add to the amount your baby is already getting. Most babies do not have any side effects from amoxicillin in breast milk. Be sure to talk to your baby's pediatrician about all your breastfeeding questions.

Are cold medications ok to take while I’m breastfeeding?
Many cold preparations are compatible with breastfeeding. It is important to read the ingredients on the package and take only medications that are necessary to treat your specific symptoms. Here is some information about medications that are commonly found in over-the-counter cold preparations:

  • Decongestants that are taken by mouth, such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), are not likely to be harmful to a breastfed infant, but may lessen the amount of breast milk that you make. If you have nasal congestion, talk with your healthcare provider about treatment.
  • The expectorant guaifenesin and the cough suppressant dextromethorphan are often found together in products like Mucinex DM or Robitussin DM. Both of these medications have been used while breastfeeding.
  • Small, occasional doses of antihistamines are acceptable while nursing. Antihistamines that don't make you sleepy, such as loratadine (Claritin), cetirizine (Zyrtec), or fexofenadine (Allegra) may be preferred.
  • Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider and your baby's pediatrician about any exposures you have while breast feeding, and all your breastfeeding questions.

I am breastfeeding my 3-month-old baby and I was just diagnosed with postpartum depression. My doctor prescribed me an antidepressant. Do I have to stop breastfeeding my baby?
In most cases, people can continue breastfeeding while taking her antidepressant. Some antidepressants have been better studied and are preferred over others for breastfeeding. Contact MotherToBaby Arizona for information about your medication(s) or other exposures while breastfeeding.       

Can I drink caffeinated beverages while breastfeeding?
 Low to moderate amounts of caffeine (less than 300mg/day) are not likely to be harmful while breastfeeding. High amounts of caffeine (equivalent to 10 or more cups of coffee daily) can cause fussiness and jitteriness in breastfed babies. Babies that are younger than 3 months old break down caffeine more slowly, so may be more affected by caffeine in breast milk.

The approximate amount of caffeine in some common items:

  • 5 oz. cup of coffee = 40-180 mg
  • 5 oz. brewed tea =  20-90 mg
  • 12 oz. Coke = 46 mg
  • Red Bull energy drink = 80 mg
  • 1 cup of coffee ice cream = 58 mg
  • Hershey chocolate bar = 12 mg
  • 8 oz. hot chocolate = 5 mg
Originally posted: Oct 2, 2014
Last updated: Apr 4, 2024