We educate others about preventing poisonings.
We are a site for training healthcare professionals, including pharmacy students, pharmacy residents, medical students, medical residents, nurses, military personnel and others.
We also have a robust public outreach program that provides the following public poison prevention services in 14 of Arizona's 15 counties:
- Presentations at a variety of locations including community organizations, businesses, senior citizens groups and professional conferences
- Exhibits at health fairs and other events
- Educational material distribution (brochures, magnets, telephone stickers)
- Educational programs in poison prevention (medication safety, bites and stings, and more!)
- Poison Prevention Training Program
To learn more about our educational services, e-mail our Community Outreach Coordinators.
Educational Materials
The center provides educational brochures, telephone labels and magnets to the public and professionals for the entire state of Arizona except for Maricopa County. Please contact the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center for more information about Maricopa County services.
You may order educational materials by filling out the Educational Materials Request Form.
You may order up to 50 of each item listed at no charge. If you want larger quantities, please e-mail our Community Outreach Coordinators.
You may also download and print many materials by clicking on the blue links below.
2-sided, 3-panels
- Household Poisons Safety and First Aid
- Household Poisons - Spanish
- Bites and Stings Safety
- Bites and Stings - Spanish
- Rattlesnake Safety
- Rattlesnake Safety-Spanish
- Poisonous Plants Safety and First Aid
- Poisonous Plants - Spanish
- Button Batteries: Safety Tips
- Opioid Safety and Naloxone Use
- Every 12 Seconds, Someone Calls a Poison Center
- Every 12 Seconds, Someone Calls a Poison Center - Spanish
1-sided, flat
- Household Poisons-English
- Household Poisons-Spanish
- Bites and Stings-English
- Bites and Stings-Spanish
- Poisonous Plants-English
- Poisonous Plants-Spanish
- Poison Prevention Week March Calendar
- Rattlesnake Bite Pocket Card (English)
- Rattlesnake Bite Pocket Card (Spanish)
- Safety Tips in English and Spanish
- A Clean Sweep
- Safe Interaction with Pit Viper Snakes
- Mistaken Identity
- Candy or Medicine Poster
- If You Can't Tell the Difference, How Can a Child?
- Poison Purse Poster
- The Correct Way to Dispose Of...
- Preventing Opioid Deaths: Three Ways to Save Lives
Kids Worksheets
- Find the Poison
- Find the Safe Path
- Kitchen Patrol
- Hidden Hazards
- Poison Word Search
- Mixed Up Mess
- Venom Crossing
- What's In Mom's Purse?
- Do You Put Your Medicines Up and Away and Out of Sight?
Teaching Aids
- From the American Association of Poison Control Centers: A collection of resources and materials for various poison topics
Video Kit Educational Programs
- Quills up - Stay Away! An educational program for preschool children
- Stop! Ask First : An educational program for young children